On February 28, 1968, Ron Reyes was born in Southern California while his young father, Ronald “Ronnie” Reyes, was fighting at Khe Sanh in the height of the Vietnam War’s landmark Tet Offensive. Ronnie served with the Delta Company, 1st Battalion, 9th Marines, 3rd Marine Division, from July 1967 through March 1968. On March 30th, 1968, Ronnie was retrieving a seriously wounded Marine Brother in battle, when he himself was mortally wounded. At just 19 years old, Ronnie had been a father for one month, to a son who would carry his name though they’d never meet. Ron grew up knowing his father through photographs, stories, and memories. He learned about the Vietnam War as a child, and as he grew into adulthood he came to realize that the war held more to his relationship with his father. He started learning more about the war, and meeting others whose families had been marked like his. Ron came to feel that after so many years, he was living a life in the shadow of the Vietnam War. He visited the AV Wall in 2013 when it was in Simi Valley. That visit moved Ron to honor his father and come out of the shadows, to embrace the scarred history as he never had before. Ron traveled to Vietnam in 2015, and again in July 2019. During both visits, he stood on the very ground where his father last stood, and formed lifelong friendships with people around the world, all through a common bond of the Vietnam War. Ron shares his story and experiences through spoken word, and has been featured in multiple news outlets including the New York Times and the Washington Post. Ron has also been featured in two documentaries about Gold Star Children and the Vietnam War, both of which have been broadcast nationally on PBS.
Through sharing his journey across the country and around the world,
Ron hopes to inspire others to know and embrace their past, while always striving for a better future.
Ron is the father of a Danielle (24) and Ronnie (21).
Ron's girlfriend Stephanie ( www.FindMyVietnamVetDad.com ) is Amerasian and does not know her father. He was an American Serviceman that served in Vietnam during the late 60's to early 70's.
Stephanie and Ron are connected by war.
Together they have joined forces to locate Stephanie's father.
Stephanie has submitted DNA to the following:
Ancestry DNA
23 and Me DNA
Family Tree DNA
My Heritage
GED Match
The best chance of finding her father is through a DNA match.
My father Ronald “Ronnie” Reyes was killed in action March 30, 1968 in a village just outside of the The gates of Khe Sanh (Ta Con) in the Quang Tri Province.
A home for a poor family will be built in his his honor in that very village of Vietnam.
Stephanie McLellan grew up in Bac Lieu. It is a city located about 6 hours south west of Saigon towards the southernmost region. Her father was an American serviceman that she has never met. (www.FindMyVietnamDad.com)
A home for a poor family will be be built in that area in honor of her Vietnamese mother (Phan Mai Huong) and her American father (We hope to announce his name before construction)
This could not be possible with out the help, support, and connections through the 2 Sides Project (www.2sidesproject.com). I was on the initial trip to connect the children of war on each side. That trip forever changed my life and my outlook. The 2 Sides Project will be working with their partner in Vietnam, The Vietnam USA Society (VUS). They have been instrumental in the 2 Sides Project trips to Vietnam, and the facilitating of these Peace Homes being built.
The goal is to extend the impact of fostering connections between the two sides of war, but also by supporting initiatives that ensure a positive outcome for future generations.
We will need help fundraising to help with the cost of building 2 homes. The cost of the home the home near Khe Sanh will be approximately $3,500. The cost of the home near Bac Lieu will be approximately $2,800.
We will use any funds over the $6,300 needed to build both houses towards the purchase of rice, or potentially help the next series of homes to be built.
Donations are tax-deductible. You can contribute via GoFundMe
or directly at 2sidesproject.com/donate. Specify it is for the Ron and Stephanie Peace Homes
Stephanie and I have been joined by war. Our lives have guided us to this point to build a life together.
Thank you,
Ron and Stephanie
I will Tell Festival London
Check out this great video
2 minute clip
The 2 Sides Project is a feature documentary that follows the unforgettable journey of
six U.S. sons and daughters as they discover a country and a people with a shared history.
Some 20,000 American boys and girls lost their fathers during the Vietnam War.
Their stories serve as powerful testimonies about the true cost of war.
America’s Gold Star Children from the Vietnam War
Sons and Daughters In Touch is an all-volunteer, national support organization committed to uniting the Gold Star sons and daughters of American servicemen who were killed, or who remain missing, as a result of the Vietnam War.
The Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) offers compassionate care to all those grieving the loss of a loved one who died while serving in our Armed Forces or as a result of his or her service. Since 1994, TAPS has provided comfort and hope 24/7 through a national peer support network and connection to grief resources, all at no cost to surviving families and loved ones.
Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Marines don’t have that problem.
— Ronald Reagan
The AV Wall is a half-scale size tribute monument of the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, D.C. It is cared for by Point Man Antelope Valley (PMAV), a veterans outreach organization that ministers to veterans of all wars.
Stephanie was born in Vietnam in 1971. Her father was an American Soldier. She has never met him. Stephanie has lived in the US for over 30 years. Life has been great but she wants to meet her father.
How do you convert MGRS to work in Google maps?.....Here you go!
Newport Beach, CA